Titre : | Journal of Avian Biology 43(4) - JUL 2012 |
Type de document : | Bulletin |
Paru le : | 00/00/0000 |
Rebecca L. Boulton, Auteur ;
Phillip Cassey, Auteur
While understanding heat exchange between incubating adults and their eggs is central to the study of avian incubation energetics, current theory based on thermal measurements from dummy eggs reveals little about the mechanisms of this heat exch[...]
Julie A. Heath, Auteur ;
Karen Steenhof, Auteur ;
Mark A. Foster, Auteur
Global climate change has affected avian migration patterns and nesting phenology. Changes in one phase of a bird's cycle will most likely affect other stages, but few studies focus simultaneously on multiple life-history events. We used western[...]
Robert A. Aldredge, Auteur ;
Sonya C. LeClair, Auteur ;
Reed Bowman, Auteur
Hatching failure occurs in approximately 10% of all avian eggs, but varies both within and among species. This reduction in viable offspring can have significant fitness consequences for breeding parents; therefore, it is important to understand[...]
Anne Peters, Auteur ;
Mark L. Roberts, Auteur ;
Ralf H. J. M. Kurvers, Auteur ;
Kaspar Delhey, Auteur
A number of mechanisms are responsible for producing the variation in natural colours, and these need not act in isolation. A recent hypothesis states that carotenoid-based coloration, in addition to carotenoid availability, is also enhanced by [...]
Darren S. Proppe, Auteur ;
Marc T. Avey, Auteur ;
Marisa Hoeschele, Auteur ;
Michele K. Moscicki, Auteur ;
Tara Farrell, Auteur ;
Colleen Cassady St Clair, Auteur ;
Christopher B. Sturdy, Auteur
Several songbird species sing at higher frequencies (i.e. higher pitch) when anthropogenic noise levels are elevated. Such frequency shifting is thought to be an adaptation to prevent masking of bird song by anthropogenic noise. However, no stud[...]
Na Zhao, Auteur ;
Chuanyin Dai, Auteur ;
Wenjuan Wang, Auteur ;
Ruiying Zhang, Auteur ;
Yanhua Qu, Auteur ;
Gang Song, Auteur ;
Kai Chen, Auteur ;
Xiaojun Yang, Auteur ;
Fasheng Zou, Auteur ;
Fumin Lei, Auteur
Different scales and frequencies of glaciations developed in Europe and Asia during the Pleistocene. Because species responses to climate change are influenced by interactive factors including ecology and local topography, the pattern and tempo [...]
Pierre Legagneux, Auteur ;
Robert G. Clark, Auteur ;
Matthieu Guillemain, Auteur ;
Cyril Eraud, Auteur ;
Marc Thery, Auteur ;
Vincent Bretagnolle, Auteur
Iridescent colours produced during moult likely play an important role in pair formation in birds. We sought to quantify geographic variation in such colouration in a duck species, Eurasian teal Anas crecca, in winter (when mating occurs) to eva[...]
Iván De la Hera, Auteur ;
Javier Pérez-Tris, Auteur ;
Jose Luis Telleria, Auteur
In migratory species, the way in which conspecifics from different breeding populations are distributed during the non-breeding period is important from and ecological, evolutionary and conservation perspective, but such knowledge is still limit[...]
Scott A. Taylor, Auteur ;
David J. Anderson, Auteur ;
Carlos B. Zavalaga, Auteur ;
Vicki L. Friesen, Auteur
Hybrid zones represent natural laboratories in which the processes of divergence and genetic isolation can be examined. The generation and maintenance of a hybrid zone requires mispairing and successful reproduction between organisms that differ[...]
Julia Geraci, Auteur ;
Arnaud Béchet, Auteur ;
Frank Cézilly, Auteur ;
Sébastien Ficheux, Auteur ;
Nicola Baccetti, Auteur ;
Boudjema Samraoui, Auteur ;
Remi Wattier, Auteur
The greater flamingo Phoenicopterus roseus is a long-lived colonial waterbird species, characterized by a large range encompassing three continents, a very limited number of breeding sites, and high dispersal abilities. We investigated both the [...]